Welcome to LaunchMeUp online help
Here you will find explanations on the general use of the tools offered by LaunchMeUp (player - assistant - editor), but also a detailed description of the components that can be used in your application / themes.
It is advisable to start with the "Overview", then look at the "Tutorial" in the documentation to fully understand the possibilities offered by LaunchMeUp.
How can one quickly see LaunchMeUp in action?
Soon, video tutorials will be available. However, if you want to quickly see the frontend in action, we recommend following these steps:
1 - Create a free account at magicezee.com. It's entirely free and necessary if you want to use LaunchMeUp for more than just theme playback.
2 - Download the tool from this link: https://www.magiczee.com/en/download-launchmeup-installer/ and install it.
3 - Launch "LaunchMeUp Assistant," which will be installed on your machine, and log in with your credentials.
4 - Follow the assistant's steps without modifying the values (choose the first option "Create an application" and select the "Starball" theme). This takes only 30 seconds.
5 - At the last step, click on "Launch My Application" to see the result. You will get a launcher for pincab and Visual Pinball X.
Feel free to share your feedback in the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/launchmeupofficielgroupe).